
How to conserve electricity with your PC

Did you know that putting your PC to sleep when not in use could lead to savings of up to $50 a year? You can further increase your savings by following these PC power-saving tips. 1. Reduce your computer monitor’s brightness Most monitors have a built-in sensor that adjusts the screen’s brightness according to the […]

How to give a knockout PowerPoint presentation

It’s not easy to stand in front of a group of people and deliver a PowerPoint presentation. But don’t worry, here are some tips and tricks that will help you give presentations that will impress your audience. Understand your target audience Before preparing your presentation, do some research about your target audience. Think about what […]

Tips for safely browsing the web

Even if they’re only browsing the internet, your staff members are vulnerable to all sorts of data security threats, especially when they work remotely, use multiple devices, or connect to various networks. As a business owner, you must put browser security measures in place to minimize the risk of data loss. Install anti-malware software Browsers […]

Is your business prepared for hurricanes?

Hurricane season is here. These harsh weather events can produce devastating high-speed winds, torrential rains, and microbursts, and can bring your business to a grinding halt. To address the threat of hurricanes, your company should have an effective hurricane disaster recovery policy in place. What is a hurricane disaster recovery plan? A hurricane disaster recovery […]

Most commonly used terms in cybersecurity explained

With so many different IT security terms and concepts that you need to learn when running a business, where should you start? Diving into cybersecurity can be challenging, but learning about the most commonly used terms in IT security is a good place to start. Understand these basic terms so you’ll be better prepared to […]

Here’s how you can choose the best business projector

A business projector can help make meetings more engaging and immersive. There are plenty of options on the market, so finding the best one for your business can be challenging. Here are important factors to consider when choosing a projector that will make your presentations stand out. Brightness If your projector doesn’t produce enough brightness, […]

How to secure Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool that can help your workplace run more smoothly. However, with great power comes great potential security risks. In this blog post, we will discuss the three best tips on how to secure Microsoft Teams. Utilize built-in security features The most dependable approach to securing Microsoft Teams is through governance […]

WordPress hacks to boost your site’s speed

A decade ago, five seconds was an acceptable page load time. But today, most web visitors expect a web page to load as soon as they open it. They are also likely to close a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. To prevent users from leaving your site, try these tips […]

The benefits of virtual reality to your business

Business owners are always looking for ways to improve their operations and bottom line. One way to do this is to make use of virtual reality (VR). If you’re on the fence about investing in VR, read on to learn more about this cutting-edge technology and its business benefits. Take customers on an adventure If […]